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Fall Home Maintenance Checklist for DC Residents

The days are shorter, and we are close to, if not already, having our first frost! Winter prep should be on your radar, and we’re here to share our expertise and help you get through those seasonal maintenance items. Follow these Flock tips, and you and your home will be ready for the chilly months ahead!

A person cleaning leaves & detritus from a roof gutter.
Gutters get full quickly once the leaves start falling.
  1. Clean out your gutters (and be safe if you’re pulling out a ladder!).
  2. Remove leaves around your property to ensure proper drainage and avoid clogs, which can lead to flooding.
  3. Hire for a chimney inspection and have chimneys cleaned.
  4. Turn on the heat before you absolutely need to. It’s better to find out if your HVAC needs servicing before it gets uncomfortably cold inside.
  5. Perform your last prune of the year. Bring potted plants inside to avoid unexpected freezes that might occur overnight.
  6. Aerate and seed your yard for lush green grass in the spring.
  7. Complete any caulking or painting projects. The weather is comfortable, and bugs should be minimal, but don’t wait too long as it becomes harder to paint as it gets cooler.
  8. Check all doors and windows for adequate weather stripping to avoid draftiness (and save your heating bill!).
  9. Winterize your pipes. Burst pipes can cause major damage, so this is a crucial one.
  10. Before inventory is low, purchase your snow shovels and car snow removal tools. Make sure your boots, gloves, and jackets are ready! 
  11. Sit back, grab a PSL, and enjoy one of the most beautiful times of the year in DC.

Preventative maintenance keeps our homes happy! Happy homes make for happy residents, who cultivate strong, local communities that sustain our city, DC. Check out our other posts for more happy home content!

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Flock DC is a family of companies laser focused on people and place.

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